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Mojik is brand new and sometimes you have gameplay questions that may need clarification. This section is there to help you 


Exemple de MOJIK
Exemple MO avec Joker
quand un joueur dit MO les autres joueurs peuvent échanger ses cartes et c'est très drole

Should the cards be shuffled? 

Do we have the right to speak? 

" MO " et joker

The deck

But du jeu > MOJIK !

What is being "MO"?

The game is won in 10 rounds?

The little ones? 

Especially   in the first game, shuffle the cards well because they are arranged by suit. And between each round, we mix the game well too.

Etre le premier à faire MOJIK, c'est à dire avoir 3 cartes de couleur identique + 1 carte noire.  

Une manche se termine dès qu'un des joueur abaisse son jeu avec Mojik. Ça lui rapporte 1 point.


Important le noir n'est pas une couleur. 

At the start of the game, 1 player deals one by one 4 cards per player. The rest of the cards are placed face down on the table; it's the pickaxe.   On their turn, each player draws 1 card or takes the last card turned face up in exchange for one of their own. He must always have 4 cards in his hand. 

As soon as a player has 2 identical cards or le joker, including distribution, he must announce it to the other players before playing, by saying "MO". From this moment and for 1 turn only, the other players can choose one of his cards at random in exchange for one of theirs on their turn. After this turn, he is untouchable unless he has 2 cards again or wildcard and   becomes MO again, then   announces it again. This is valid for all players including at the same time. 

Si un joueur obtient le joker pendant son tour de "Mo" cela ne change rien car on considère que le joker vaut la même couleur. Dans ce cas rare, il n'annonce pas à nouveau "MO".

Quand un joueur annonce qu'il est “MO" il ne dit pas de quelle couleur il s'agit. 

Yes ! Mojik is a party game. You have every right by following the rule. On the contrary, we have the right to gang up, to bluff, to show nothing, to deny... in short, you will find winning strategies as the game progresses, .... or not.

Indeed it takes 10 winning rounds for win the game knowing that a round lasts between less than a minute to 5/7 minutes depending on the games and strategies of each player. 

That said, nothing prevents you from defining a game in 5 winning rounds, especially if you are numerous.

For the little ones the rule can be simplified by removing the "MO" phase.

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